Saturday, October 31, 2009
Oh the drama.
Last night we went a Harvest Festival at a local church. I saw their sign a couple weeks ago and thought a Harvest Festival would be a safe place to bring Lily since it probably wouldn't have too many scary Halloween things. Anyway....I was right!(haha) The Harvest Festival was great. As we walked in we got name tags. The greeter asked Lily her name and she said "Lily the Pooh." So cute.
There was popcorn, snocones, music and even a bouncy house. Upstairs they had tons of games to play. For each game played Lily earned a piece of candy and a ticket or two- depending on how many bags she tossed or froggies she leapfrogged etc etc. At the end there was a prize room where the kids could exchange their tickets for prizes.
After playing for awhile we had six tickets and Lily decided she wanted to go check out the prize room. She found a little frog there for three tickets...and then she saw it....for only ten tickets she could get a brand new My Little Pony.
With new determination we set out to conquer a few more games. Now, for this girl waiting in line is like pulling her teeth and the anxiety of earning enough tickets fast enough to go back and get the pony was bringing her dangerously close to meltdown stage.
As luck would have it though she threw two purples in the Egg Bounce game and shot down 4 cups in the Nerf Pumpkin Shoot. We had ten tickets, and after a quick stop to play one last game of bean bag toss, we raced out of the Game Room back to the Prize Room.
In my head I'm thinking worst case scenario- someone already picked it- it will be gone- she'll pick something else, right? Oh no. What actually happened was much more cruel indeed (but don't worry there is a happy ending). We race into the room and literally one second before Lily can reach her little hand out to grab her beloved prize (oh, did I mention there was only one pony???) another little girl picked it right up. Lily's face dropped from complete victory and exhilaration to absolute tragedy in less than two seconds. Complete with wailing and gnashing of teeth. For real.
But, as I said, this story has a happy ending. It turns out the little girl didn't have any tickets to spend yet or maybe didn't have enough- she didn't seem too phased by her dad's "no". I swear we didn't yank the pony out of her hand (seriously). She put the pony down and wandered off. Then, as quickly as I could get Lily to be quiet and see- Triumph! She got her prize. Oh the joy- complete happiness!
I was proud of her. Absolutely shocked by her luck, but still proud. My little Lily the Pooh.
OOHHhweeeoohhhooooo(Lily making ghosty sounds)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Lily: Are you going to get old? Who's going to bury you?
Lily: Hey Mom- there's those dolls you don't like! (Referring to Bratz Dolls)
Lily: Mommy I'm having bad dreams. Can you sing to me? My dreams are scared of your singing.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
She's so thoughtful!
Lily: Oh, wow! I'm gonna give her some popcorn.
Mommy: Well, that's very nice of you.
Lily: Then she can give us $25 bucks.
Mommy: For what?
Lily: For the popcorn.
Should the girl go into business or what???
My Little Pumpkin..through the years : )
Monday, October 19, 2009
Pumpkin Patch 2009
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Pumpkin Patch 2009 |
What we've been up to...
Last Friday Lily threw a huge fit in the morning before school. As a consequence there was no TV that night when we got home. When we got home that night she was pretty upset to have her routine changed but then played really well for the rest of the evening. We baked a pumpkin pie and played Chutes and Ladders too. I was upset that it took punishment/consequence to get her to chill out in the morning- but I was really proud of how she accepted the consequences pretty easily. Though she did wake up very early on Saturday asking if she could "Please Please watch Spongebob!"
Right now I have Floyd on my lap, Lily sitting right next to me and I'm trying to type over the top of them both practically- one big happy family- until Lily pets Floyd a little too much and he tries to take a swat at her - she gets upset- he jumps down- and she wanders off- and my lap to myself again- for a minute- maybe. Nope not even a minute...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Asking too much???
Lily got a great new winter coat from Auntie Joeleen for her Birthday- very spiffy- removable lining, hood- reversible the whole works-really. Lily loves it. That day it was 65 degrees last week, she was wearing it- fleece lining and all. Her teachers had to pry it off of her before she died of heat exhaustion.
She also wore it to school last Thursday- the same day APPARENTLY some one at the school thought it would be a good idea to paint a wall that literally every kid has to walk by several times each day in order to get to the outside play area- in the middle of the day. I learned from her teacher that several children (teacher included) got paint on their hands and coats. Um house paint-as in non washable. Lily's brand new coat has streaks of white paint all over it.
Whose brilliant idea was this? Painting? Inside? With small children around? What about the fumes? Why couldn't they paint on the day of the month they so conveniently close at 4:30???
I am somewhat well known at the day care for- how should I put this?? Making my opinion known- passionate really about the kind of care/education my only daughter is receiving. To say the least I am not happy about the whole paint situation.
Part of me is saying "Let it go- it's just a coat! Not life threatening, accidents happen blah blah blah."
But the other part is saying "Hello?? Is there anything going on between your ears??? Are you going to reimburse all these parents now whose children's clothing was ruined???? After all the money I pay each month. What next? Turn the lights on people. Use your brain get engaged- be thought full- stop the auto pilot. Your actions,believe it or not, cause reactions- large or small. "
So that's my rant for the day. I'll probably just let this one go but jeez that irritated me.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Lego City
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Send Happy Thoughts
Please send happy healthy thoughts my way if you have any to spare. I've not been feeling well for over a month now and still don't have a clear diagnosis. : (
Or...if you could send a really hot doctor diagnostician man my way- to help speed up the process- that'd be cool too.
As a result, I've been neglecting my blog terribly since it hurts to type too much. So sorry.
More fun soon I hope,